Rev. Br. Alberto Rodríguez Mármol
President – Foundation “Don Bosco Nel Mondo”
Rev. Br. Alberto Rodríguez Mármol is currently the president of the Don Bosco Nel Mondo Foundation and is also the Treasurer of the Salesian Headquarters in Rome. Born in Bonao, Dominican Republic, he has various experiences in the field of economics and leadership. He is an expert in Industrial Mechanics (Salesian Technical Institute [ITESA]) and an Industrial Engineer (degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra de República Dominicana). He also holds a Master’s in Senior Management (MBA) from the Instituto Tecnológico of Santo Domingo (2008), a Master’s in Human Resources Administration (2010) and a Diploma in Leadership and Educational Management (2016). His leadership vision and great coordination skills enrich the organization of the DBGYFF festival, providing the required legal framework and support through the “Don Bosco Nel Mondo” foundation.